giovedì 27 marzo 2008

Make the computer give me answers

Dal brainstorm di Ubuntu escono idee spettacolari. In particolare questa:

Make a new application or improve Beagle, Tracker or Deskbar.

It do acronym lookups, math calculation, fact lookup, data generation, unit conversion, etc.

So that when I ask it something, it answers me.
RAM? = Random access memory
91*74-26 = 6708
Capital of Sweden? = Stockholm
22 inch in centimeter = 55.88 centimeter
chemical formula for water? = H2O
#0000ff = shows the color blue
01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 = hello
68 65 6C 6C 6F = hello
Hello in Italian? = ciao
Time in Tokyo? = 19:46
Weather in Paris? = 7°C, sunny.
rot13 hello = uryyb

So right from the Deskbar (or something) on the desktop, I can ask something, and it will answer me.

1 commento:

Miki ha detto...

Appena Chrome arriverà su Linux...