sabato 16 gennaio 2010

Mac Dev

Right now I've started my first job on the Mac. Cool! And while I'm waiting some very long meta programming code compilation in C++ I'm writings these lines.
Wow... the Mac env is great: I'm using iTerm as terminal (not that the standard terminal is not doing the job), Xcode and TextWrangler. Btw, to get some colours in the shell, add

export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=ExFxCxDxBxegedabagacad

in your .bash_profile. Some other notes: to type the '~' on the small Mac wireless keyboard, type Alt+5. And for the '`' char, type Alt+9 and then type a blank.
On System preferences, hardware, keyboard, is it possible to enable the Keyboard visualizer (in italian "Mostra Visore tastiera") on the menu bar: it is useful to immediately view any key combination.
The Mac is great!